Sarah Kravits
LifeBound Certified Master Trainer
Sarah Kravits works as an academic coach at Rutgers University, has taught the New Student Seminar at Montclair State University, and has been researching and writing about student success for over 25 years. As a coach, author, instructor, and parent of three children (high school and college age), she “walks the talk” of student success, striving daily to persist toward valued goals, engage in productive teamwork, analyze problems strategically, and release toxic judgment. Sarah is a co-author on the Keys to Success series, including Keys to College Success, Keys to Community College Success, Keys to College Success Compact, and Keys to Effective Learning. She has presented workshops and trainings on student success teaching and topics at schools all over the country. Having attended the University of Virginia as a Jefferson Scholar, she manifests the Jefferson Scholars Foundation goals of leadership, scholarship, and citizenship with her efforts to empower college students to succeed in school and beyond, and she continues to serve the JSF by leading an annual orientation workshop for each year’s entering Scholars. Sarah is a member of the Class of 2020 at the Rutgers Graduate School of Education, having earned a Master of Education degree with a concentration in Learning, Cognition, and Development.